Tech-innovation company

Mobile Theft Guard is a powerful security application designed to keep your mobile device safe and secure. With advanced features and cutting-edge technology, our app provides comprehensive protection against theft, loss, and unauthorized access.

Serves As

      Official Mobile App.
      For All Mobiles In India.
      For Android operating system.

The technology you use impresses no one. The experience you create with it is everything.

Sean Gerety

Details Menu :

Commands Menu :

SMS Log :

    Shows SMS Logs of the Device.

Location :

    Sends Command to Fetch Location of the Device.

Call Log :

    Shows Call Logs of the Device.

App Lock :

    Sends Command to Lock Apps on the Device.

Contacts :

    Shows Contacts Saved on the Device.

App Unlock :

    Sends Command to Unlock Apps on the Device.

Location :

    Shows Mini-Map of Last Location.

Live Capture :

    Sends Command to Capture Live Image of the Device.

Live Capture :

    Shows All Live Captured Images

Call Logs :

    Send Command to Retrieve Call Logs of the Device

SMS Logs :

    Send Command to Retrieve SMS Logs of the Device.

Contacts :

    Send Command to Retrieve Saved Contacts of the Device.

Important Features of Theft Guard


    Marks the Device as LOST and Locks it.


    Marks the Device as Found and Unlocks it.

OFFLINE Commands :

    Send LOSTNOW sms from any number to the Device in event of Loss.
    Send FOUNDNOW sms from Registered / Alternate Number to the device in event of Found
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