Tech-innovation company

      Blended team of young & senior industry professionals.
      Who understand grass root problems.
      Provide tech-innovation products as solution.

Serves As

      Official app store.
      For android operating system.
      Allows users to browse and download applications.

The technology you use impresses no one. The experience you create with it is everything.

Sean Gerety


    Non-Timely Payment of EMI
    Change of SIM or Mobile Number
    Invalid / Bogus Address
    Fake Reference
    Resale of Phone / Device


    Lock the Phone / Device Completely
    Block All Calls and Messages
    Change of SIM also doesn’t matter
    Phone is completely non usable as a brick
    Retailer Contact is shown for Customer Support

The Commands / Controls we get

    Update EMI Details - To send a reminder to the customer
    Lock / Unlock Device
    Remove Software from Customer Device
    Current Status of the Customer's Device is shown
    To initiate any process just tap the button and confirm
    Fetch Location
    Reboot Device
    Reset Screen Lock
    much more...

App History

    Filter or Search by Date,
      B-Code, Mobile and IMEI
    Copy B-Code to Clipboard

Meta Details

    Battery Percentage
    Last Sync At - Shows the device last synced to our servers/provider internet connectivity available
    Actual Status - Real-time status on the device, assuring the device is LOCKED or UNLOCKED
    Disabled Features - Showing Features Disabled on the Device

New Features Available


    Screen Capture Disabled
    Camera Disabled
    Adjust Volume Disabled
    Disable Installation and
    Uninstallation of Apps

Media &

    Mounting of Physical media Disable
    USB File Transfer Disable
    Adjust Volume Disabled
    Disable Installation and

Network &

    WiFi Tethering Disabled
    Disable Outgoing Calls
    Disable SMS
    Disable Bluetooth

Why Opt For 101 LOCKER?

    Helps Retailers to Finance Securely
    Hold Complete Control Over Financed Phone / Device
    On Failure or Delay of Payment Retailer can lock Customer’s Device
    No Unfair Advantage by Customers on Taking from Financer